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Our mission at the Center for Mindfulness in Public Safety is to advance excellence, well-being, and improved mental health within public safety agencies through the research, development, and implementation of evidence-based mindfulness practices and self-regulation skills. We are dedicated to creating safer, more humane environments and fostering successful outcomes in corrections, criminal justice, and law enforcement by providing research-based training and consulting in Mindfulness-Based interventions.


Establish ongoing Mindfulness-Based Wellness & Resiliency (MBWR)® training programs and healthy, safe cultures and environments for personnel that support staff morale, protect staff health and safety, and promote positive reentry and public safety outcomes through the repeated delivery of a variety of CMPS MBWR® programs with successive cohorts of agency personnel. The evidence-based, interactive MBWR® programs engage and train participants in a broad range of simple and practical mindfulness-based self-regulation, stress management, health enhancement, communication, emotional intelligence, and resiliency-building skills. Adoption and utilization of these skills have been demonstrated to improve multiple facets of work performance and productivity as well as quality of life both on and off the job while significantly reducing the risk of burnout and other serious health risks faced by corrections, law enforcement, first responders, public safety, healthcare, and treatment professionals.

All MBWR® training is presented in an evidenced-based, trauma-informed manner similar to that provided in many areas of U.S. society including; healthcare, education, corporate wellness & performance programing,  military, law enforcement, corrections, first responders and other public safety professions, etc..

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© 2025 Center for Mindfulness in Public Safety. 

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